Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Utep Chemistry - An Online College For a Better Future

Utep Chemistry - An Online College For a Better FutureUtep Chemistry is the best choice for students looking for an online college. Utep offers both traditional and online degrees in chemistry. The University is located in the beautiful coastal city of San Jose in Southern California. The atmosphere here is great and offers a high quality education.The main reason why most students are attracted to Utep is the affordability. With a flexible timetable and low cost tuition fees, the University offers its courses at affordable rates. The convenient timing with which you can acquire your degree from Utep Chemistry University will help you succeed and go on to get an advanced degree in the subject. The University is located in a very important and rich state.Students can choose to pursue either online or traditional education through the different syllabus. It is very important that you must find out about the institution so that you will have all the relevant information before enrolling .A lot of people have enrolled in Utep Online University as it allows them to focus on their studies without having to attend classes. It also allows them to take up other fields of study. This program provides a great opportunity to people who would like to get a degree in the field of science, medicine, engineering and related fields.An online program is definitely advantageous to those students who cannot afford the costly admission fees. Moreover, it also offers flexible timings for those students who would like to finish the program earlier than the deadlines.It is very essential that you must seek out the right UTEP chemistry University as this will help you fulfill your dreams. Utep Chemistry offers online courses so that you can enjoy your life through your studies.Utep Chemistry also offers an online chemistry degree. This program not only offers a full course, but also an online diploma. This degree gives you ample opportunity to specialize in the subject of your choice an d pursue your career in a different direction.

Friday, March 6, 2020

All About Adjectives, Adverbs and a Food You Literally Cant Overcook

All About Adjectives, Adverbs and a Food You Literally Cant Overcook This weeks riveting lesson takes a look at  how to add enthusiasm and excitement to our speech with adjectives and adverbs.  This is especially helpful for those of us that need to do  presentations at work or school, or need to pitch an idea to our company.  Proper use of adjectives and adverbs also makes our English sound more fluent and our stories more interesting.  So, if you literally cant wait a second longer, lets begin!Note about literally-while its formal definition is in a literal manner of sense/exactly, people very commonly use  this word informallyfor emphasis, while not being literally true.  Adjectives  Modify nounsPossible endings: -0us, -ent, -ful, -y, -ed, and more.Example: I am envious  of her apartment.Often follow linking verbs to describe the subject of the sentence:Be: She is happy today.Look: You look tired.Smell: Dinner smells good!Taste: The soup tastes delicious.Sound: That band sounds horrible.Feel: It feels warm outside.Many of my students have quest ions about adjectives that end in -ed and -ing because they sound like conjugated verbs.  For example, I asked a student, How was school? and they replied, I was so boring!  Was the student a boring person?  No!  He was so bored.  Find out why by watching  this  exciting  video:I.  Use what youve learned to choose the correct answer. Remember to  write your answers in comments and we will respond.My English classes via Skype are very (interested/interesting).The students are never (bored/boring) in our classes.I was (irritated/irritating) that I had to wait 2 weeks to see the movie.He was (embarrassed/embarrassing) that he hadn’t studied his English adjectives.The news that the economy is (improved/improving) was good news to everyone.We are (excited/exciting) that our new video is finished.I think that animation can be very (entertained/entertaining).We plan on having a (relaxed/relaxing) weekend.This month’s results are (encouraged/encouraging).I hope this lesson wasn’ t (confused/confusing) for you.Adjective Exercises:Think youve got it?  Try the quiz here!Have you ever heard the saying, the rich get richer while the poor get poorer?  In this sentence, the adjectives rich and poor become nouns.  Find out how this works with the following video:II.  Time to practice again!  Change the following sentences to use the adjective as a noun. Write your answers in comments and we will respond.The people who live in Spain go to bed very late.It is good to take care of people that are old.The worst season for people without a home is the winter.Things that are unknown, like God and space are very interesting to me.I like dark beer but most people prefer light beer.Try out the full lesson, including a exercise about gentrification in Rio here!Ok, were finally moving on to adverbs!Adverbs: (adjective)+lyModify verbs:  She spoke confidently when she pitched her idea to the team.Change or Modify adjectives: Apartments in Amsterdam are outrageously expensi ve.Alter or Modify other adverbs: She spoke extremely confidently.Common irregulars:Well: He did remarkably well on his exam.Fast: People dont walk fast enough on the sidewalk.Hard: They work hard to improve their English.Now, have  a look at another  enormously helpful video about using adverbs to modify adjectives, and complete the short exercise that follows.  Remember to always write your responses in the comments section.  Were more than  happy to respond with corrections and/or explanations!III.  Choose the correct adverb to modify the adjective below.“How was the test?” “Not good, it was (absolutely/really) difficult.”“Are you hungry?” “Yes. I’m (absolutely/very) starving.”“Did you like the movie?” “No. I thought is was (totally/very) awful.”“Did you have a good vacation?” “Yes. It was (really/very) fantastic.”“Do you like talking about business?” “Yes. I think it is (very/absolutely) interesting.”Check out the full lesson with the incredibly awe-inspiring  TED Talk here!ListeningNow, listen for examples of the adjectives and adverbs that youve learned about today.  Fill in the blanks about this extraordinary video.  Dont forget to share your answers and/or questions with us in the comments section, and well respond!Most foods we cook require _______  attention to cooking temperature and time in order to get ____ results.Theres one food thats __________  _________.Like their higher protein content and ______  flavor, they are ______ in another way.Mushrooms have a _____  texture over a ____ range of cooking times and temperatures.Steamed them in a basket in a _____ Dutch oven.The tenderloin, portobello and zucchini required 186, 199 and 239 grams of force  ____________ to be compressed 3mm.The tasters noted that all of these samples were  ______.This picture changed ____________  after five more minutes of steaming.Tasters found the tenderloin tough and leathery, and the zucchini was ______  ____.The portob ello on the other hand remained _______  _________.Eventually turning a ________  293% tougher, while the zucchini decreased in firmness by 83% and turned _____ and _____________.Tasters still found the mushrooms to be ________ ______.Chitin is ____ ____-______.This ______ structure allows us to _______  sauté mushrooms for just a few minutes, or roast them for the better part of an hour.All the while, achieving ____-_______, _________ ______  specimens.* BONUS CHALLENGE *  Find all of the adjectives and adverbs hidden  throughout this post, and complete the table with the adjective or adverb  and a creative sentence of your own!If you want to really improve your English speaking, try  a class with LOI English, and soon enough youll be speaking English quite  fluently!

What to Expect as a Restaurant Assistant Manager

What to Expect as a Restaurant Assistant Manager via Pixabay Job description As a restaurant assistant manager, your main job is to, well, assist the manager with anything they need. You will be responsible for the operations of the restaurant and know company policies as well as do paperwork. This may include calculating budgets, payroll, and coming up with schedules. You must be knowledgeable of everything that goes on in the restaurant because when the manager is either out sick or on vacation, you will step in and play the role of manager. That means you will be responsible for overseeing the work of a number of people. You will be expected to not only fill in for the manager but also for a waitress, bartender, host, or help in the kitchen. It’s important to know that the role is versatile when needed. You may also be expected to lead training and hire staff. via Pixabay Education requirements Depending on where you apply, you typically do not need a degree or even a high school diploma to become a restaurant assistant manager. The skills and knowledge needed for the role can’t be learned in a classroom but from the experience of working in a restaurant. It can, however, put you ahead of other applicants if you do have a degree in hospitality or management. Expected pay Different than a waitress, restaurant assistant managers are paid salary on average around $36,200 per year. You may be able to receive bonuses and pay raises depending on the company or restaurant. via Pixabay Customer service Just because you are responsible for operations behind the scenes doesn’t mean you get to skip out on offering excellent customer service as a restaurant assistant manager. When there is an unhappy customer and they demand to speak to the manager, this responsibility may fall on you depending on if the manager is busy or not. Your job is to calmly address the situation and satisfy the customer the best you can. via Pixabay Multi-skilled As a restaurant assistant manager, you will be pulled in all different directions throughout your shift. The manager may need you to assist them with some tasks or a waitress may have a complaint about the restaurant that you need to address. It’s essential that you are able to multitask and have multiple skills in order to fulfill all of the necessary duties handed to you. If you need to stand in for a waitress, you must know how to take orders, turn them into the kitchen, and take care of customers at the table. via Pixabay Leadership Holding a higher position in a company requires you to oversee the work of employees and staff. This means that you are responsible for making sure the wait staff and cooks are doing their jobs well and efficiently. Your team should look up to you and respect the authority that you hold. This also means that it is necessary for you to have excellent leadership skills such as listening attentively to your staff, delegating work, and offering a good work experience. via Pixabay Office work If you were working on the floor of the restaurant before, as the assistant manager, you will most likely be in the office more often. Get used to doing paperwork and working on the computer rather than interacting with customers. This part of the job also requires you to be very organized and good at prioritizing tasks. Be prepared to sometimes stay late after the restaurant closes to sit in the office and review numbers from the day while the staff goes home to their families. Room for advancement A benefit of being a restaurant assistant manager is that there is room for advancement. If you enjoy working in the restaurant industry and want to gain more responsibility and an increase in pay, you may look into becoming the restaurant manager. After years of experience in the food industry, you may even decide to open your own restaurant. After working in a management position at a restaurant, this gives you a great advantage for opening a successful restaurant.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Shanghai Expo and May Holidays

Shanghai Expo and May Holidays The World Expo is about to start in Shanghai, and we are excited to be here. Shanghai has been under construction for years in preparation for this event, and now the world will be able to see the results of that work. This years Expo theme is Urban Development, and there will be numerous pavilions dedicated to how we can improve the way we live. We think this theme is very timely, given the level of urbanization in China, and the problems it faces in terms of sustainable economic growth. Events like the Expo present a great opportunity for people to exchange ideas about these increasingly universal issues. italki is also trying to facilitate the exchange of ideas, virtually through the internet. Even though technology has driven the costs of communications to almost zero, language still represents a significant barrier in communication. Its hard to imagine how people can work well together to tackle global issues if they cannot communicate well with each other. If you are coming to the Expo (or are just curious), try posting it on your blackboard or in your notebook. Many italki users are interested in meeting in person, and there are lots of members in Shanghai (where we are based)! If you also happen to be in town (for the Expo or otherwise), please come and stop by we like using Skype, but wed love to meet you in person! The italki Team Shanghai Expo and May Holidays The World Expo is about to start in Shanghai, and we are excited to be here. Shanghai has been under construction for years in preparation for this event, and now the world will be able to see the results of that work. This years Expo theme is Urban Development, and there will be numerous pavilions dedicated to how we can improve the way we live. We think this theme is very timely, given the level of urbanization in China, and the problems it faces in terms of sustainable economic growth. Events like the Expo present a great opportunity for people to exchange ideas about these increasingly universal issues. italki is also trying to facilitate the exchange of ideas, virtually through the internet. Even though technology has driven the costs of communications to almost zero, language still represents a significant barrier in communication. Its hard to imagine how people can work well together to tackle global issues if they cannot communicate well with each other. If you are coming to the Expo (or are just curious), try posting it on your blackboard or in your notebook. Many italki users are interested in meeting in person, and there are lots of members in Shanghai (where we are based)! If you also happen to be in town (for the Expo or otherwise), please come and stop by we like using Skype, but wed love to meet you in person! The italki Team

The Dos and Donts of Learning Romance Languages

The Dos and Donts of Learning Romance Languages The Dos and Donts of Learning Romance Languages Romance languagesâ€"just the name can make you swoon.But while its true that Romance languages like Italian and French have reputations for being a bit seductive, they actually dont earn their name from  romantic connotations.Instead, they all derive from the language of the Roman Empire: Latin. The Empires influence still holds today as almost a billion people  speak a Romance language as their native language. 300 million more speak a Romance language as their second language.So why not join them?Before you get started, though, decide which language youll learn first. Well show you what to consider. Then, take note of the essential dos and donts of learning Romance languages. Even though they have their differences, there are some standard rules you can use to quicken your learning. Which Romance Language Should I Learn First?Are you taking a trip to a country that speaks a certain language? Do you want to communicate better with someone in particular, or need to learn a language for work? Does one language just sound particularly beautiful to you? Knowing what you want to do with a language can be as important as choosing the language to learn.If you have a definite answer to any of the above questions, then that makes things easy. The first Romance language you should learn is the one you want to learn!If you know you want to learn a Romance language or several Romance languages, but one isnt necessarily more useful or captivating to you than another, then  we recommend you start with Spanish first. Its one of the most widely spoken Romance languages, which means youll have a greater chance of putting it to good use right away. Plus, its popularity means it might be more familiar to your ears.We also recommend you learn Romanian last, as it has the fewest similarities to the other Romance languages. Between Spanish and Romanian, order the others (French, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan and Occitan) based on your strengths, weaknesses and interests. Note that many people choose to learn Spanish, Italian and French first with Portuguese close behind.Some people plan on learning Romance languages simultaneously. For those people, be sure to pair your languages well. You could pair a harder language with an easier one, to challenge yourself while preventing burnout. You could also pair two similar languages to build your vocabulary through cognates.The Dos and Donts of Learning Romance LanguagesThe Dos of Learning Romance LanguagesDo: Pay Attention to Gender as You Learn New WordsUnlike English, nouns in Romance languages have a grammatical gender. A words gender determines what articles you use with it and how it agrees with other words (for instance, an adjective that describes a feminine noun getting a feminine ending). Think of the gender as part of the actual word when learning nouns.For example, if youre planning to label objects around your house to build your everyday vocabulary, use color coding for different genders. Or to make i t even easier on yourself, check out VocabularyStickers, which are pre-made, durable labels that already come with color coding for gender (as well as for plurals). VocabularyStickers come with more than 130 labels for everything from utensils to office supplies to your clothes and much more.Sometimes the ending of a word will help signal its gender or plurality status. Spanish nouns, by way of example, often end with an  o or  or for masculine nouns, and  a or  ora for feminine ones.Not all nouns follow this rule in each Romance language, though! Some words either give no indication of gender, or may even have an ending that doesnt properly correlate with the general gender rule of that language.Do: Learn the Regular Verb EndingsThere are three verb types in most Romance languages (Romanian has four) depending on how the infinitive of the verb is spelled. For example, French regular verbs end in either  -er, -ir  or -re;  Spanish regular verbs end in either ar, er or ir.Identifying the type of regular verb is crucial to understanding how to conjugate it. Youll need to take off the verb ending to get the verb stem, and add the appropriate ending depending on conjugation rules for that type of verb.Verb conjugation is one of the first concepts youll encounter in your Romance language studies and it can be one of the most frustrating to master. Making a habit of finding the infinitive ending will make the complicated concept of verb conjugation that much easier as you move forward.Pro-tip:  one easy way to find the infinitive ending for any regular verb in French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese is to search for the last  -r  in the word.  Then its just a matter of dropping that letter along with the vowel that comes immediately before it (and the one afterward if it applies).Do: Study Some Latin and IPAIf you plan on learning all the Romance languages, adding yet another language may seem daunting. However, learning a bit of Latin will prove worthwhile. Since L atin forms the base for all the Romance languages, its a great way to find the patterns throughout each.Furthermore, learning a bit of the International Phonetic Alphabet, or IPA, will improve your ability to comprehend and correctly pronounce any Romance language. IPA is a standardized set of symbols that represent syllable and word sounds.Many dictionaries write the IPA next to its definitionâ€"even English dictionaries. Theyre often more accurate than the phonetic guides in phrasebooks as well. Plus, the sounds for IPA cover all Romance languages with the same symbols.So, as with Latin, if you learn IPA, youll have tips that apply to all the Romance languages.The Donts of Learning Romance LanguagesDont: Forget Article AgreementOnce you know the gender of a noun in a Romance language, then you have to add the article. Romance languages will specify a chair or the chair by using an article that agrees in gender with the noun at hand.Articles will also signal whether a noun is plura l or singular. Take this simple example from French:Le chien (The dog)Les chiens (The dogs)Notice how the article changes in French, but not in English?Articles can be very tricky for English speakers since English doesnt have gendered words or changes in articles from singular to plural words. So dont forget to pay attention to article agreement as youre writing or speaking in your target Romance language, right from the get-go!The more you practice, the more natural itll become.Dont: Instinctively Pronounce Words with Unclear VowelsOne of the reasons Romance languages are considered so beautiful is due to their pure vowels, also known as monophthongs, which are vowel sounds that remain the same throughout their pronunciation. In other words, you dont need to glide your voice to speak a pure vowel. This differs from diphthongs, which are two vowel sounds pressed together to make one sound.English speakers, and American ones in particular, tend to not enjoy a pure vowel.  Nearly eve ry Romance language does though. To identify this, take a listen to some native speakers, then compare it to non-native speakers reading a similar text. Maybe even read a text out loud yourself. What differences can you hear in the pronunciation?You can also watch native speakers to see how they form their vowels. Often theyll have much rounder lips than the average English speaker, for example.A great resource for this type of practice is FluentU, where you can watch authentic videos in your target language to learn it the way native speakers use it. The videos (including everything from movie trailers to funny YouTube clips to news broadcasts) come with interactive captions that you can click for instant, in-context translations of any words you dont recognize.That means not only will you be creating good pronunciation habits as you watch these videos, youll also actively build your vocabulary.Best of all, you can take your learning anywhere with the FluentU mobile app for iOS  or Android!Dont: Rely on English GrammarWhen learning any language, its tempting to build a sentence word-by-word based on the sentence structure we already know in English. But remember that Romance languages are structured differently. Adjectives, for example, often come after the noun in question rather than before it.Some verbs also dont translate well from English. In English, we say to be for many sentences where Romance languages say to have. We are hungry in English, but we have hunger in some Romance languages.Knowing these changes can make or break how quickly you learn a language and how fluent you become.Dont: Substitute One Romance Language for AnotherThe temptation to use cognates from one Romance language to replace the correct word in another can seem so great sometimes. After all, many native speakers of one Romance language can often understand you even if you accidentally speak another language. Still, its embarrassing at best and culturally insensitive at worst to do so.With any Romance language you learn, take careful note of the differences between them as well as the similarities to keep them sorted in your head. Learn about the culture to help you identify these differences better. Itll help you branch out into other kinds of languages in the future as well.Do these rules apply to all Romance languages?The short answer is yes. The beauty of Romance languages lies in their similar forms. However, each language requires emphasis on certain elements. French pronunciation focuses heavily on nasal sounds and dropped consonants, while the Italian language only has five vowel sounds and doubled consonants. Spanish and Portuguese use varied accent symbols when writing, which differ from the accents in Romanian.Every language comes with its own set of dos and donts. Remembering them can greatly enhance your learning process. And One More ThingLet FluentU inspire your Romance language learning. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from m usic videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks, and you can currently use it to learn French, Spanish, Italian or any combination of those. (Theres also a Portuguese program in the works.)With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that real people speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse ScreenFluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive TranscriptsYou can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that youâ €™re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.

October 22nd is National Nut Day

October 22nd is National  Nut  Day Today, October 22nd is National  Nut  day. It is a food holiday that celebrates a healthy and nutritious snack. And how is this related to education you might ask? Well simply put they are good for your brain and learning. Nuts can improve concentration and cognition skills and even prevent neurological disorders. A study shows, that regular intake of nuts over several years results in sharper memory and slows down mental decline. Nuts are full of important nutrients such as healthy fats, antioxidants, and vitamin E, all of which are good for brain health. Walnuts are particularly good for learning and memory functions. They have a very high concentration of DHA â€" a type of omega-3 fatty acid. DHA is one of the best fuels of your brain. In short, on October 22nd we go nuts for brain health.

Math Tutor For Algebra - Things You Should Know

Math Tutor For Algebra - Things You Should KnowIf you have been struggling with algebra or other math courses at school, and even worse, if you are afraid that you are not doing your best at math, you might consider a math tutor for algebra. With this type of tutor, you get a good understanding of what is going on in the course. The math tutor will also help you learn certain types of math problems.If you have ever taken an algebra class, you know that it is one of the most difficult courses in high school. Because of this, many students quit before they finish the course. Fortunately, there are math tutors for algebra available. These tutors provide tutoring for your algebra homework as well as help with algebra class so that you can keep your grades up in your class.One type of math tutor for algebra is the teacher tutor. The teacher tutor does not charge a fee, so he or she is quite affordable. These tutors have several years of experience, and they can usually get you through the hardest parts of algebra quickly.An instructor tutor provides the same type of service as the teacher tutor, but the difference is that you pay them by the hour. You can choose from a variety of options. One of the most popular is to have the instructor tutor your work.The instructor does not charge you per unit. Instead, he or she charges you for each work period. You can pay the tutor for the amount of time that you spend working with them. This helps you save money, because you will only pay for the amount of time that you actually spent with the tutor.There are other tutors available. For example, online tutors provide more flexibility than the instructor tutor. Because of this, they are usually less expensive, but they do not offer the same level of instruction.As you can see, there are many different options when it comes to choosing a math tutor for algebra. Just be sure that you find the one that best fits your needs.